Our service packages for retirement accommodation include:

Maintenance Services | Emergency Support | Insurance
Communications | Visits | Forward Planning


We provide a range of services which ensure all communal areas in your retirement accommodation will be regularly maintained to the highest standards. These will include, but are not limited to:

  • Garden areas tended and maintained.
  • Windows cleaned. A service to wash the inside of the windows is available on an individual basis. This can be a female colleague if requested.
  • Communal access roads maintained.
  • Cleaning of internal corridors, lounges and sitting areas.
  • Security access to building maintained.
  • Internal emergency support monitoring.
  • Communal white goods maintained and repaired.
  • Lift maintenance and repair.
  • An individual house manager can be arranged should a community feel there is a requirement for this. We’ll work with you to create a bespoke job description to ensure recruitment of the best possible person to match your specific requirements.
  • Bespoke Services – we’ll work with each of our partner communities to create a bespoke package of services should you have specific requirements outside of our usual offering.


Emergencies are unavoidable so we have arrangements in place with emergency contractors to ensure our customers’ property is protected at all times.

The emergency contact telephone numbers noted below are strictly for use in the event of emergencies occurring out with our normal working hours of Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm and 8am to 12pm Saturday and Sunday

General Building – John Hayley – 07796 606311
Plumbing – John Clark – 07827 442835

Terms and Conditions

  • Only existing partners may use this emergency service.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the reporting partner to provide accurate telephone contact and address information to the contractor and arrange for access to the property.
  • In order to mitigate loss, the contractor will only take action to secure or temporarily repair any defect found, with a report being supplied to our office the next working day.
  • Where a repair is subsequently found to be private in nature, partners will be jointly liable for all labour and material costs incurred up until the point of identification. Thereafter, the costs of any private repairs instructed will be the responsibility of the individual partner.
  • Calling out a contractor out of normal working hours may incur higher than normal hourly charges. Partners should only utilise this service where absolutely necessary.


The types of policies placed on behalf of retirement partners include the following:


While contents insurance covers the things you own, buildings insurance covers the actual building. This can include permanent fixtures such as those listed below.

  • Roof.
  • Walls.
  • Ceilings.
  • Floors.
  • Doors and windows.
  • Fitted kitchens.
  • Built-in cupboards and bathroom suites.
  • Garages are usually covered, but it’s best to check with us beforehand.
  • Fences, gates, boundary walls and mains-supply pipes.

Buildings insurance policies should generally cover the full cost of repair/rebuild in the case of the following.

  • Fire.
  • Lightning strike.
  • Storm damage.
  • Falling trees.
  • Explosion (caused by gas leaks and so on).
  • Earthquake.
  • Vandalism.
  • Vehicle collisions with the building.
  • Bursting or freezing of the plumbing.


Property owners’ liability insurance enables homeowners to meet any costs awarded against them to a third party if they suffer an injury following an accident on, or linked to, their property.

The areas protected can include the following.

  • Stairwells.
  • Paths and roads.
  • Open Spaces.
  • Woodlands.

The insurance provision will be tailored to your own needs with each individual retirement community having varying exposure and risk.


Although your buildings and grounds will be maintained regularly, it’s important to consider that the property may need long term planning for more substantial works, e.g. roof, possible window replacements, flood defences, etc.

We’ll use information from regular reports to pre-empt and forward plan for any large maintenance activity required over the forthcoming years. Understanding any substantial future work means we can plan properly to have the work completed with full visibility and minimal disruption to you.


We’ll speak regularly with our residential partners. We can arrange regular meetings with the whole retirement accommodation community or with any internal committee that you may have in place. During these meetings, a free and open line of communication will give us a clear understanding of your needs and concerns. This means we can act proactively to better suit your requirements. This continual discussion can only make our partnership stronger, ensuring both parties communicate fully.

We will also send regular newsletters giving you a full update on what affects you. The website will be updated at regular intervals to keep you up to date on the latest information with clarity and openness.


We believe strongly in communication and collaboration. Only by working and talking together can the highest quality standards and service be delivered. We view two-way communication as an essential part of the service provision to you. The requirements you have may change over time, so to provide the highest possible standards, we need to talk regularly – and more importantly – listen to you.